Teilnahme an Whale Watching-Konferenz auf Island

· 30. März 2007 ·

Teilnahme an Whale Watching-Konferenz auf Island

Pressemeldung der hale Watching-Konferenz auf Island, zu der LaMar als Veranstalter mit Schwerpunkt Meeressäuger-Beobachtung vom International Fund for Animal Welfare eingeladen wurde:

Selfoss, Iceland, 14.3.2008: „Commercial whaling poses a threat to the success of whale watching and eco-tourism. Whaling attracts international criticism and risks damage to economic interests and Icelands image. A healthy whale watching industry benefits coastal communities and provides a sustainable income. Whale watching is one of the most popular tourism activities in Iceland, with 104,300 visitors (almost 25% of all tourists to Iceland) taking part in 2007. Representatives agreed on this statement during a Whale watching Conference from March 13th to 14th 2008 in Selfoss, Iceland. Participants from the industry, science and NGOs attended from Australia, UK, Germany, Norway, Spain, Venezuela, Brazil, USA, Azores/Portugal, Italy and Iceland.“

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